Let’s build your learning organization!
The most effective businesses and schools are learning organizations, primed to innovate and evolve.
They’re more risk-tolerant, more human-centric, and often more successful.
Recognizing the value of a learning organization is easy. Building one is hard.
I can help. By applying educational theory, best practices, and highly effective classroom experiences, I’ll level up your organization’s learning and your learning leadership.
Read on to see how I can transform your presentations, training, onboarding, sales, teaching, and even management and leadership, or jump right to a free evaluation of what I can do for you.

Great learning transforms lives
But not-great learning can be, well, awful.
You’ve seen that presenter who read paragraphs of text off the screen while you listened silently. Not the most engaging experience, and chances are you walked away feeling drained.
It’s not just bad for the audience. As a presenter, it’s demoralizing to realize the audience is bored or, worse yet, lost entirely. Enough experiences like this could even threaten your career.
Don’t be a bad presenter. Become a learning leader.

Great learning doesn’t happen by accident
You remember your great teachers. Perhaps they inspired you to try something new, or inspired you to think differently. Perhaps they even changed the course of your life.
Those great teachers weren’t great by chance.
They knew effective learning requires intentionality. Rather than relying on intuition, they used research-based best-practices to incorporate elements of neuroscience, psychology, and other learning-related sciences. And on top of those they layered time-tested educational best-practices.
Your organization could have the same learning experiences you did.
And the benefit isn’t just to the learner. Great learning leaders find themselves in high demand. They have better chances of advancement and recognition. And there are personal benefits: effective learning leadership is a deeply fulfilling experience. It provides a sense of mastery and self-efficacy that is hard to match.
I make learning leaders great by helping them intentionally apply the same theory and best-practices that made those great teachers so memorable.

What will effectivEDU do for you?
My consulting always starts with a free 15-minute evaluation of your needs and what you’re trying to accomplish. If this feels like a potential fit, we can even start planning a scope for your project.
If you choose to move forward with me, our work might include training on how to apply educational theory and learning science in a presentation; how lessons from effective classrooms can improve your management and leadership; observation, evaluation, and feedback of training or presentation by your team; consultation on or actual build of training programs or onboarding materials; ongoing coaching and mentoring; or any other support needed for you or your team.

Will it work?
Absolutely. Small changes have big effects.
Leading effective learning doesn’t require decades of experience. What it requires is intentionality, knowledge, and skill.
Schedule your free call and let’s move you forward on your path to exceptional learning leadership!
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