I provide science-based, research-into-practice consulting, training, and professional development. (For the reasons I’m qualified to offer this, see my About page.)
If you’re interested in working together on a project, or interested in a power hour, start with a free 15-minute evaluation so we can discuss your needs and plan the support you need.
If you need quick expertise without a contracting agreement, book a power hour. You’ll get 60 minutes of expert consulting to solve whatever problems you might have.
If you’re here for a follow-up on my workshops or talks, check out the discounted 60-minute follow-ups. These are special offers at way below my standard hourly rate, so grab ’em while they last!
(If we’ve established a consulting contract there’s no need to use a button below. Just get in touch in our usual way!)
15-Minute Evaluation (FREE!)
Interested in short- or long-term consulting? An effectivEDU engagement can start with a free evaluation to ensure you’ll get the stellar outcome you deserve.
We’ll discuss what you’re trying to accomplish, talk about how I can best support your needs, and plan a potential scope of your project.
If I’m not the right person to help you, I’ll tell you that right up front. There’s no risk whatsoever.
Feel free to bring others on your team to this meeting; no need for them to register separately!
Power Hour ($450 or 3 for $1200)
Tackle your greatest learning leadership challenges in this fully customized short-term consultation. No contract, no commitment, just results.
You’ll start with an intake form to share your situation, background, challenges, and what you hope to accomplish. That will allow me to do some initial thinking and plan our session. I might ask you to do some preparatory work or provide more information.
When we meet, we’ll jump into problem-solving mode, breaking down your challenges and ensuring you see a clear path forward.
You’ll leave with clear action items, knowledge of how to implement them, and a recording and transcript of your session for your reference.
Ready? Let’s go!
Book what you need!
Not sure what you need?
60-Minute follow-up:
Unlock Your Pod-tential ($150)
If you took my “Unlock Your Pod-tential” workshop or online course and want extra help, this is the right place! We can go deep on any topic from recording to distribution, how to wrangle guests, how to publicize, or any aspect of podcasting where you need support.
I’m an expert teacher and technologist, so I can even give you technical training on how to use particular tools if that’ll help you.
You’ll leave with action items, knowledge of how to implement them, and a recording and transcript of your session for your reference.
60-Minute follow-up:
Lead Like Your Favorite Teacher ($150)
If you watched my “Lead Like Your Favorite Teacher” presentation and would like to go further, here’s your chance. We can dig into what was discussed, workshop how to incorporate it in your work, talk about leadership and management technique, or address a leadership challenge you’re facing.
You’ll leave with action items, knowledge of how to implement them, and a recording and transcript of your session for your reference.
60-Minute follow-up:
Land Your Presentation and Make It STICK! ($150)
If you attended a “Land Your Presentation and Make It STICK!” workshop, here’s your reward: a working session on any aspect of your presentation, teaching, or visual materials! You might use this to revise your deck to incorporate multimedia learning principles, or discuss further how to reduce cognitive load and increase retention in your audience, or get actionable feedback on your presentation technique, or get support on something about your presentation I haven’t listed here. Whatever you need in the way of science-based learning experience design, I can help!
You’ll leave with action items, knowledge of how to implement them, and a recording and transcript of your session for your reference.