But… what if you can’t use AI? 😰
My last few posts used AI assists to illuminate what your learners need to learn next.
🦾 First we predicted learning gaps with AI to help build your lesson plans.
🦾 Then we built individualized assessment using AI to show exactly what each person needs to learn next.
Now you’re in class. You need in-the-moment assessment of misconceptions and misunderstandings as they develop. You need to assess as you go!
Here are a few methods that will help whether you’re teaching an in-person classroom or online.
1) Quick response gestures
“Fist-to-five” is one of my faves. You ask for a level of confidence or agreement from zero to five and your learners illustrate it by holding up a fist for zero, an open hand for five, or something in between. This gives you an instant read of whether there are any pockets of misunderstanding you should address. Self-reported, yes, but still valuable information.
2) Polls
Kahoot is a teacher favorite, but any polling software or even a Google Form will work. You set up questions in advance or on the fly (or do it hybrid, with options labeled “1,” “2,” etc. so that you can make up the options you need in class). For a power move, set up the answers based on your AI predictions or initial assessment of misconceptions. For a higher-power move, set up options that aren’t perfectly right or wrong, and use the responses to guide a debate: “Why would someone have chosen option 3? Do you agree?” Bonus points if you visualize the results in a live chart.
3) Think/Pair/Share
Ask a question, give a moment for learners to think, then have them discuss with a partner for a minute. Breakout rooms are great for this if you’re online. Then bring everyone back and ask the partners to share their thoughts. This gets everyone actively engaged in answering the question, allows everyone to self-check their answers before sharing them with the class, and helps reduce the fear of being wrong in front of the class (now it’s the partners’ answer, not the individual’s). If you make the question good enough it’s bound to illuminate learning gaps even after the partners discuss it.
4) What not to do
Don’t ask “Did that make sense?” or “Did you get that?” These well-intentioned questions don’t give you meaningful information about understanding. Gather actual data using the techniques above rather than using crutches like these questions.
Need help implementing any of this? I hope you’ll reach out about collaboration. Meanwhile I’ll drop links in the comments to my last few posts on this topic. And I’d love to hear how you’re uncovering learning gaps in your own classes or work!

Teach what’s NEEDED, not what’s NEXT (3/3)
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